Harrison Ford had left behind fourth draft of the script of Star Wars Episode 1 at the flat in the Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, Ford was staying in the flat thru 1976. the script was auctioned at Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, on Saturday for £10,795 was bought by a Austrian Collector.
Excalibur auctions
Harrison Ford was using the script while he filmed at Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire, the script is dated March 15, 1976, is incomplete and revised with several colors and includes scenes and characters. The script reads as “The Adventures of Luke Starkiller”, as taken from the ” Journal of the Whills” by George Lucas. (Saga 1,) Star Wars.

Some other notes left behind by Harrison Ford, were sold to a UK collector for £4,826. one note has reference of a meeting between Ford and the Indiana Jones producer Robert Watts.
Ford went on to appear in 4 movies of Star Wars between 1977 and 2015.